Structured content is so much easier to navigate. Before starting a project, try to imagine what you want the end result to look like. Ask yourself: what page size do I want to choose for my project? How do I want to structure my page? Answers to these questions will set you up for success and a beautifully organized visualization.
Using smart guides
Smart guides are enabled by default in the Infogram editor. When you start moving objects around the canvas, you'll see pink guidelines appear to help you structure the content proportionately. They'll snap the selected object into place in relation to the other objects or in relation to its position on the canvas.
Using the grid layout
With the grid layout enabled, you'll be able to use columns with lines to structure your content on the canvas. You can adjust the number and size of the columns.
- To turn on the grid layout, select Grid in the bottom left corner of the editor.
- Select Grid layout. You’ll then see pink columns with lines appear on the canvas; use them to structure and align your content.
- Use the Spacing slider to adjust the distance between the columns and the Number of columns slider to choose how many columns you want to use.
- Make use of white space. It's the space that you add between pieces of content, and as margins. It helps to define and separate different sections in your project and gives the content room to breathe.
- Use columns efficiently. A good rule of thumb is to work with twice as many columns as groups you have. For instance, if you plan on dividing the page into two blocks, use at least 4 columns (2 for each block). That way you can be more precise in arranging objects in each block, making sure they are evenly aligned and with equal margins.